13 Subtle Ways to Make Him Want More With You

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I post new love life advice for you every weekend.

In today’s new video, I’ll share with you exactly how to do that through 13 highly practical tips to get him to take you more seriously. Some of these are subtle, but each one of these points can have an outsized impact on how your relationship moves forward.

I really wanted to make this video because the tone you set in the beginning will serve you throughout your entire relationship, and the influence you can have on being taken seriously by someone is huge. It can determine whether your relationship will be a casual one that’s on their terms, or a committed, loving one where you’re building something together.

And in addition to being practical, this video breaks down the psychology behind each of these tips and provides you with examples (and in many cases, specific texts) you can customize and make your own.

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Recommended Reading >> bit.ly/32kRpzw
