Men's Dating Coach Emyli ( Find Your Next Relationship With the Right Woman

In this interview, we talk with men's dating coach Emyli from She specializes in helping relationship-ready men find a girlfriend, wife, or long-term partner...

Book a session with Emyli today here: read high-quality articles and learn more about Emyli, visit her website here:


1. We discuss Emyli's "100 Date Experiment" where she went on 100+ dates in one year with around 50-60 men - all in the name of science.

She wanted to find out if love is a real, tangible thing or just a concept created to sell Disney movies...

Not only did she meet her current boyfriend and discover all kinds of interesting things through this experiment, she also noticed that most of the men she was interested in made what seemed like simple mistakes that she wished she could help them correct while she was on the date with them...

And that's exactly what she does now through her coaching business - help awesome guys eliminate the dating mistakes that hold them back from attracting the right woman for them.

2. Emyli shares her concepts of "MegaDating" and "MegaMessaging."

We talk about why it's a GOOD thing for you to date multiple women before you commit to one and exactly how to set yourself up with many potential matches.

Why follow her advice?

Because naturally creating real abundance in your life is A LOT better than pretending or playing games.

When you have more options, you become more naturally confident and attractive while also giving yourself lots of good options so you can choose the right woman for you instead of SETTLING.

We also discuss why settling is bad (horrible)...and how setting up your "dating funnel" properly can help you find the right woman for you.

3. Emyli shares practical dating tips and strategies that have proven successful for her clients (the ones she wishes she could have shared with the guys who made mistakes on dates with her and more) like:

*How to be more naturally confident and fully present in the moment with a woman you're VERY attracted to...

*How to keep an attractive conversation going on your dates and how much you should (not) be talking...

*How to ask a woman out PROPERLY (using her "TDL" strategy)...

*What NOT to do right after a date to make sure you don't DESTROY her interest you...

*What to do between dates to make her MORE interested in you...

*How to get "secret intel" on your first date and use it to take her on a PERFECT second or third date...

*The kinds of dates you should be taking women on...


4. Lastly, we discuss the importance of being PLAYFUL on dates...

Having a playful attitude is one of the most critical aspects of successful dating. And, it's also an extremely important part of MAINTAINING a good romantic relationship over time.

While sarcasm, cutting humor, and self-deprecating humor are not so great for attraction, POSITIVE HUMOR such as not taking yourself so seriously and playfully teasing her is on of the BIGGEST KEYS to raising her interest in you and then maintaining it long-term.

Your ability to use humor properly shows her that you can handle the inevitable challenges that come along in life. And any time you can SHOW a woman a good thing about you without having to TELL her, you get a lot more "points."


Whenever you go on a date with a woman, ask yourself, "How can I really enjoy this date even if I don't like her?"

This powerful question puts you in the best possible mindset and makes you feel more comfortable before you meet up with a woman.


"You don't have to show her how great you are; she'll know...if you can make her laugh and make her feel happy," (41:30).

Listen to the show for all of this and more...Enjoy!

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